Mike Holland – December 19th, 2021


  1. Marty Stone

    Wonderful story from a fine young man still doing it today.
    Congratulations on your story.

  2. Scott Immens

    I love Mike’s story about the day before his world record in Planica when training on the K120 (called a 90m back then). Maybe it should be re issued for many of those who have not read it. Great inpiration for young athletes.

  3. Tom Calcagni

    Mr Fulton sounds like a great man. John and Tom didn’t fall far from that tree. I love the link also!! I probably watched it, exerting my own body language, 6 or 7 times!!

  4. Todd Scholl

    Simply Awesome. I never get tired of watching that video Mike. Great story amigo.

  5. Sven Heistad

    This is fantastic! Such an incredible story, and accomplishment.
    Mike is on another level.

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